Eye Protection Standard AS/NZS 1337.1:2010

hearing protection eye protection respiratory protection head protection hi-vis clothing



This standard is the benchmark for safety glasses and their ability to protect the wearer from hazards such as flying debris, UV light and other hazards. Medium impact glasses can withstand an impact from an object travelling at 45m per second while high impact glasses can withstand impact from one travelling at 120m per second. The numbers measure the amount of luminous transmittance passing through the lens. The lower the percentage = Less light passing through. All lenses must protect from at least 99% UVA and UVB rays.


Anywhere There are Areas of Risk

Whether you're working with fencing, handling chemicals, cutting metal, wood working, wire and brick cutting or anywhere there are flying particles, eye protection must be worn. Goggles must be worn when working with dusts, aerosols, sprays, grinding and chemical handling.  Gas welding shade 5 goggles should only be used for brazing and gas welding. (For other types of welding e.g. arc, appropriate eye and helmet protection should be worn)


Different Lens Coatings

Hardcoat lenses (anti-scratch) offer exceptional resistance from day to day surface scratches that usually occur. They also have the ability to offer resistance to some chemicals.
Anti-Fog lenses have the ability to reduce the amount of fog that builds up on the inside of the lens, keeping your vision clear.


Different Lens Types


Clear: Protects against  impact and UV radiations. Good vision at night and in the dark. Smoke: Provides good contrast and  natural colours in light conditions. Protection from the sun. For sunlight and high glare conditions. Polarised: Blocks luminous radiation depending on its polarisation. Stops annoying reflections. Provides for good contrast and natural colours. Amber: The amber lens is helpful in low-light conditions as it makes an environment appear brighter. They also enhance contrast and depth perception and are great for overcast and foggy conditions. 


Different Lens Markings






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