Hi-Vis Clothing Standard AS/NZS

hearing protection eye protection respiratory protection head protection hi-vis clothing


AS/NZS 1906.4:2010

This standard specifies the minimum colour and luminance requirements for fluorescent or non-fluorescent background materials and reflective tape as used to manufacture hi-vis garments.

It states the levels to which fabrics need to be dyed in terms of performance and atmospheric conditions in order to meet to the standard. 

Class F: Daytime fluorescent 
Class R: Retroreflective material
Class RF: Retroreflective and fluorescent
Class NF: High daytime visibility 


AS/NZS 4602.1:2011

This standard specifies requirements for clothing intended to provide visibility of the user in high risk applications. It refers to how a garment is constructed using fabrics that comply with AS/NZS 1906.4:2010. There should be no less then 0.2m² of unbroken hi-visibility fabric on both the front and back of any garment that covers the wearers torso.

This standard also states the position of the retroreflective tape on the garment.

Class D: Day use only
Class N: Night use only
Class D/N: Day/night use only



TTMC-W compliant garments must also comply with the following Standards:
• AS/NZS 4602.1:2011 High-Visibility Safety Garment Construction - Class D/N
• AS/NZS 1906.4:2010 High-Visibility and Retroreflective Materials - Class R/F






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